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We all know how time can fly…

By miranda | April 14, 2010

Well, well. Another month gone by. I honestly mean to post more often, but time is a pretty valuable commodity. It’s not that I’m run off my feet (most days) but to find a chunk of time when I can sit quietly and put together a narrative is not so easy. Life is busy, caring for two amazing kids. Every now and then I look at Sophie and she is doing something normal, but it comes to mind that even her normal acts are special to me. I think I’m seeing her in a new way since my eyes are tuned to the bright and fabulous moments with Desmond. Her vocabulary is starting to expand, she’s started repeating more words right after she hears them. Desmond doesn’t have a vocabulary, per se, but he sure does like to vocalize. He’s such a coo-er and a laugher. I don’t remember Sophie being this vocal at this age, it will be interesting to see how his personality develops, growing up with a big sister. He’s very strong, he rolls onto his belly almost immediately if we leave him lying on his back. Once there, he’ll kick strongly with his legs and wiggle on forward with his nose buried in the ground. Lovely to watch.

We’ve been enjoying the products of a year’s worth of working on the house. Everytime I stop to look at my kitchen I give myself (and Harry) a mental pat on the back. It’s functional and GORGEOUS! Now that the snow is gone we’re looking forward to enjoying the outdoors even more. I know that I would like to spend a lot of time out in the yard these comming months. I know Sophie will want to be a big help with the gardening, we’ll see how much extra work that creates (in laundry alone, I’m sure).

All in all, a nice start to spring.  Oh yes, and there are new pictures up in the March and April albums of the gallery.

Topics: Desmond, garden, Sophie | No Comments »
