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The latest.

By miranda | May 12, 2009

Our little chatterbox Sophie sure learns by example.  She has taken a great interest in our portable phones, pushing as many buttons as possible any time she gets her hands on them.  Lately though, she has really started to imitate our manerisms as well; she’ll push a few buttons then put the phone to her ear and make a sound like she’s saying hello?  then a slight pause, then more chatter.  She’s really into sharing at this point as well, as she’ll offer the phone or her toys or her food to Harry and I anytime.  Mostly I think she likes “sharing” because we invariably give the object right back to her.

She’s becoming more confident with her motility, she crawls up and down stairs like they’re not even there (which is fine inside the house where there are only two of them, but a little tough on the heart when it’s the concrete steps outside).  So far no accidents there, thank god.  Sophie does love the outdoors.  Whenever she seems to be getting restless with the inside of the house, I take her out and she sits on the lawn pulling grass and weeds while I do small tasks around the yard.   I’m really looking forward to gardening this year, though I think Sophie is still too young to do more than try to subvert our growing efforts by eating dirt and pulling seedlings.  We shall see, I guess.

As for the rest of life, now that we’re no longer living in a construction zone, we have had friends over fairly regularly, which has been nice.  I enjoy cooking for and entertaining in small groups at our place.  Very relaxing.   Our home improvement plans for the next little while will be focused on the outside of the house, inside of the house like fixing our door, ceiling, windows, and thanks to Industrial door company we got it fixed just in time, click here to learn about Commercial door repair sacramento. We will also be focused with hopes of some positive changes in both the front and back yards.  Not much to be done out there today, though, as Alberta weather has chosen to send us some mid-May snow.  I’m thankful at least that I didn’t wake up to the 4-5 inches Kim found in her backyard this morning.  I welcome this only because I know that the world will be a greener place thanks to the extra moisture.  I love spring!

Topics: garden, Sophie | 1 Comment »

One Response to “The latest.”

  1. moi Says:
    May 13th, 2009 at 4:02 pm

    Nice post. I drove through that storm around Slave Lake, almost a total blizzard with about 7cm slush ridges so only doing about 70k.
